Scube voiceovers

Voice Over Workshop

Voiceover and dubbing industry can seem very attractive and glamorous working industry but is it only attractive, Glamorous, Fast and easy money making industry? Well, if you are thinking on this path then definitely you have chosen the wrong one.

Can everybody be a voice over artist? Yes. But can everybody be a good voice over artist? Definitely not.

So if you want to become a good voice over artist the very first thing is VOICE and one must inculcate qualities like Strong Diction, Correct Pronunciation, Command over Language, and Willingness to Learn, Change and Improve.

Voiceover and Dubbing industry welcomes new aspiring artists who wish to make a career in this field.

But it takes a lot of efforts and skills under correct guidance to learn the tricks of the trade. We are here to help you with this as well.

We conduct personalized workshops where you get the guidance and an amazing professional portfolio which helps you create your name amongst the industry.

Voiceover training + Portfolio
This will contain 7 basic deliverables which are as follows

  • Introduction to VO Industry
  • Voice exercises
  • Different Voice Over genres and their working
  • Introduction to Dubbing Industry
  • Open sessions
  • Portfolio preparation
  • Technical introduction (why is it so important for being a good Voice Over artist?)

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